Peace will always win, American withdrawal will have positive potential impacts on Afghanistan and the Most part of Asia. But a massive genocide and massacre is expected in Afghanistan after American withdrawal, because Taliban are occupying Afghanistan's territory fastly.

America withdrawal from Afghanistan

Impacts on America

Indeed America is the super power of 21st century with highest economy and man power, having sovereignty on the entire globe, and in response of attacks of 9/11, America decided to pull down the power of Taliban from Afghanistan, empowered regime. America has been fighting for two decades in Afghanistan, losing many people and economy.

Fighting on far away territories need economical strength to fulfill the needs of soldiers and battlefield equipments, for that America has spent trillions of dollars on many prospective-paying the countries to use their air, water or land for the accumulation of weapons and food to the military in those war zone, alike in war of Afghanistan, America managed to execute such activities to full time fight with militants so in the end, America has lost several thousands billion dollars in battle in Afghanistan as well as lost several lives of America fighters in the arena.

The direct positive and potential impact of American withdrawal from Afghanistan is for America, avoiding unnecessary lose of precious lives and economy. While China is roaring on the international market to boot its economy and suppressing the American economy to become the new emerging super power of the world, America is busy fighting and losing substantial amount of economy giving chance to the China dashing off to be the new boss of the world.

Rather fighting in Afghanistan, America should have fought for two to three years and withdrawn from Afghanistan than reprieving the fight for decades. Now it's time for America got a chance to haul its army from Afghanistan and instead of the now it can invest that equilant amount of money in the other prospect of America economy growth to not let crippling it.

Time for Afghanistan to Shine

The people of Afghanistan have been facing brutality since the invasion of Soviet Union and stuff from yet. At first Soviet Union had ruined the sovereignty of Afghanistan and vast majority of Afghani had resisted the USSR and chunk of them joint Soviet Union and for several gravely years passed in war and finally in the end of 20th century people of Afghanistan had gotten rid of Soviet Union, but the circumstances reached to the local genocide and massacre people of the country had fought to each other and blood of channels didn't stopped and then after the attack of 9/11 America invaded in Afghanistan and the situation of country gone worse and worst because it was the time Taliban again started resisting American troops on their homeland.

But after the peace talk in Qatar between Taliban and America has stopped the fight and they agreed on some points.

The positive impacts on Afghanistan after the withdrawal of American troops is that the people of Afghanistan have understood that fight is not solution of every matter. Afghanistan has diversity of tribes and language, coming on a single platform and welcoming the Taliban and the is less risk of genocide, but there's expected a Afghan military and Taliban fight, while there is bigger expect that the Afghan Government and Taliban will come in coalition and run the country peacefully. After the American withdrawal their will be no Taliban battle with in the territory of Afghanistan.

Positive impacts of American withdrawal from Afghanistan on the Asian region

Afghanistan is the heart of Asia because it lays in the center of Asia and connects with so many countries. If the conditions remain worse in Afghanistan no country around the Afghanistan will be in peace and if there will be peace in Afghanistan than every nation surrounding Afghanistan will en route to the prosperity and happiness, so the fate of the region belongs to the circumstances of Afghanistan Territory.

When American attacked the Taliban they escaped from Afghanistan, invading Pakistani territories and thrive on the boarder area and later than imposed terrorist attacks on Pakistan, consequently Pakistan face deaths of thousands of innocent Pakistan and on the other hand Pakistan lost hundreds of billion dollars infrastructure and economy. Simply it means that if the war exists in Afghanistan then the neighboring counties absolutely will suffer from.

In short, American withdrawal from Afghanistan is the Golden key for the prosperity of Afghanistan, Asian Region as well as for America itself.

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